Trust services

Protect and secure e-documents

Trust services underpin paperless processes.

A paperless business starts with a change in mentality, need, and readiness to use digital documents in the organization. Trust services are an essential element in achieving this goal. They provide legal security to an organization that has implemented digital business processes. Trust services complement and secure the life cycle of electronic documents and minimize business risks associated with the processing and use of information in digital processes. They also guarantee compliance with the applicable law.

Qualified trust services provided by qualified providers must comply with the EU eIDAS Regulation of 23 July 2014 and have the greatest legal force. This regulation defines rules for the use of trust services across borders in European countries, ensuring their security. The register of Polish providers is available on the National Certification Centre website.

The catalogue of qualified trust services provided by Asseco includes an electronic signature, electronic seal, electronic time stamp, validation and preservation of electronic signatures and seals, and registered electronic delivery service.

The quality of the trust services provided by Asseco and their compliance with international regulations and technical standards are regularly audited by independent, authorized entities.


Certificates of compliance with eIDAS regulations have been issued for qualified services provided by Asseco: electronic signature, electronic seal, time stamp, signature and seal validation, signature and seal preservation, and electronic registered delivery.

eIDAS Trusted List

Our presence on the list of eIDAS trust service providers confirms the highest level of compliance with the EU eIDAS regulation.


For non-qualified Asseco trust services, including EV SSL, SSL, and Code Signing certificates.

Learn about the applications of trust services.

With trust services, you can implement paperless business processes and use e-documents such as:

  • Tender documents

  • Business agreements

  • Customs documents

  • e-invoices and commercial offers

  • Official documents

  • Medical documents

  • HR Documents

  • e-declarations

  • other electronic documents from across the EU