
Sign e-documents with people outside your organization! Even when they do not have their own e-signature!


SignHub – e-documents signed, always.

SignHub allows you to sign electronic documents with various e-signatures: qualified, advanced, simple, biometric. SignHub can be one of the modules of the Signer platform. It allows people outside the organization to sign documents, even if they do not have their own e-signature.

SignHub is a standalone solution integrated with your organization's internal systems. It allows for electronic (equivalent to written) or paper form.

What signatures does SignHub support?

Qualified electronic signature (QES)

  • SimplySign mobile signature

    virtual card with a qualified electronic time stamp
  • Card signature

    on a physical card from qualified Polish suppliers with a qualified time stamp
  • Qualified signature (EU)

    on a workstation using the default electronic signature application
  • On the Fly (OTF) one-time electronic signature

    On the Fly (OTF) e-signature requires dedicated implementation

Advanced electronic signature (AES)

  • SimplySign mobile signature

    virtual card with a qualified electronic time stamp
  • On the Fly (OTF) one-time electronic signature

    On the Fly (OTF) e-signature requires dedicated implementation
  • Biometric handwritten signature

    requires dedicated implementation

Electronic Signature (ES)

  • Signature authorised with a code sent via a text message

Qualified electronic seal (QSeal)

  • SimplySign

    mobile seal (virtual card)

You will apply SignHub in any industry


  • Commercial banks

  • Cooperative banks

  • Capital market

  • Insurance companies


  • Telecommunication

  • Energy industry

  • Communal Enterprises

  • Retail and wholesale trade

Public institutions

  • Central administration

  • Local government administration

  • Health care

  • Uniformed services

Many others, including:

  • TSL (Transportation, Shipping, Logistics)

  • Real estate development and construction

  • Franchise networks