
Build and implement paperless processes with digital signatures. A platform to integrate digital signatures into your business processes.

Be paperless. Integrate electronic signatures into your workflow process.

The Signer platform allows the building of electronic business processes that require signing and transferring documents. Processes can cover areas inside and outside the organization – by using SignHub modules for signing and e-ID Hub for verifying the identity of customers or contractors.

Signer uses trust services that guarantee the security of electronic workflow processes and maintain the evidentiary value of e-documents. Allows electronic (equivalent to written) or documentary form.

  • Supports management of documents and business process participants

  • Supports single files or packages of multiple documents

  • Automatically seals bulk correspondence with a qualified electronic seal

  • Supports e-signatures: qualified, advanced, simple, biometric

  • Supports signatures of external process participants using SignHub

  • Verifies the identity of external participants in the process using e-ID Hub

  • Confirms the authenticity of e-signature and e-seal on e-documents in the qualified validation service

  • Ensures the security of e-documents in the long term in the only Polish qualified maintenance service

An example of a document signing workflow process using Signera:



Add or select a document and indicate the persons whose signature is required.



Signer will forward the document for signature to the designated individuals, including those outside the organization, and add a qualified time stamp to the signatures.



After the signature workflow is completed, all signatures will be verified by a qualified validation service, and a validation report will be attached to the document (as an option).

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You will apply the  Signer platform to any industry


  • Commercial banks

  • Cooperative banks

  • Capital market

  • Insurance companies


  • Telecommunication

  • Energy industry

  • Communal Enterprises

  • Retail and wholesale trade

Public institutions

  • Central administration

  • Local government administration

  • Health care

  • Uniformed services

Many others, including:

  • TSL (Transportation, Shipping, Logistics)

  • Developer and construction

  • Franchise networks

You can run a version of the Signer platform:

On premise
In own data centre

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Benefits of implementing the Signer platform

Paperless processes

Savings on paper and its handling – transportation and archiving.

Effective organization

You will streamline your business processes with an electronic workflow.

Online access

You can use the system on different devices with network access.

Flexible choice

You will match the e-signature to a documentary or electronic (equivalent written) form.


You secure your documents with the trust services used in the solution.

Convenience of use

ou sign documents remotely with customers and employees.

Compliance and credibility

The system ensures full compliance with eIDAS.

Innovation and ecology

You build the image of a modern organization that cares about the environment